About Resorsus
Sustainability at its best!

​​Our beautiful earth is in the verge of a climate crisis. Actions needs to be taken and we can not act as soon as possible anymore; because that was yesterday.
Global climate action is not only the sole responsibility of the governments and NGOs anymore. Corporations are also as responsible just as any other entity. Both B2B and B2C consumers are getting more aware every day about their stakeholders' actions for the climate.
Resorsus was formed to support organizations in the fields of alternative Green House Gasses (GHG) mitigation methods, and to set sustainable climate policies by the professionals with the backgrounds in economics, finance, law, metallurgy and environmental sciences.
We are here to develop GHG mitigation strategies for your organization and set your position as a climate leader of your industries while acting in compliant with United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG).
​Resorsus' Major Field Of Activities
Before we start any scope work with our clients we analyze their carbon footprint characteristics. This provides focal points to us and to our clients a guideline on GHG reduction policies.
ResorsusGreen Program is developed by us to mitigate a certain commodity's carbon footprint by a certain amount so that can be labeled as "ResorsusGreen Product". We have prepared 4 tailor made sub-programs for diffent industries under ResorsusGreen program.
European Union's Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and it's follower Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): EU's ETS is around for sometime. As of January 1st 2023, CBAM will be in force to declare the imported materials carbon footprint. But soon financial liabilities of CBAM will follow. We advise companies about the most up-to-date regulations and create awareness about the carbon economy, on their stakeholders from macro to micro levels of their decision making mechanisms.
Basically, when a good deed is done towards the reduction of GHGs, Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCCs) are issued to beneficiaries. Claiming those credits is a long way and gets complicated. We are there for you throughout the phases of project development, preparing project design documents, validation, verification and issuance. After the issuance, we also support with marketing the credits.
We manage positive environmental impact projects and gather teams to run them in a sustainable manner.