Industry Specific GHG Reductions Plans by Resorsus

How does Green House Gas Mitigation Plans Work?
There are two major concepts of carbon credits;
Regulatory Credits (ETS)
Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCC)
While we have covered ETS' here, it's time to talk about the voluntary markets. As they are called, they are voluntary environmental instruments. When a voluntary initiative is made towards reducing carbon emissions, project owners are entitled to have VCCs. After the issuance owners are able to sell those emissions in voluntary markets. To learn more about where the VCCs come, please read this page.
Green House Gas Mitigation is a concept that uses the VCCs to cover organizations' / events' / individuals' / vessels' emissions . The mitigation amount is calculated, the relevant quantity is bought from voluntary markets and the bought credits are retired so they can not be used again.
Preparing ResorsusGreen Plans
RESORSUS provides most detailed GHG mitigation plans in the Voluntary Carbon Credits market especially with our OpenSeas, OpenSkies, GREENCOMMODITIES and GREENSTEEL programs. We don't just use VCCs but we also advise on climate policies. While mitigating the carbon footprint, organizations also grow awareness internally and develop their Net Zero plans towards 2050.
During the preparation of our plans and guidelines we base on the simple principles of the Oxford University's "Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting" paper. Essential points of this approach are:
1. Cut emissions. Use high quality VCCs, and regularly revise GHG mitigation strategy as the best practice evolves. Prioritize reducing your own emissions. Minimize the need for mitigation with external resources in the first place. Use VCCs that are verifiable and correctly accounted for and have a low risk of non-additionality, reversal, and creating negative unintended consequences for people and the environment. Maintain transparency - Disclose current emissions, accounting practices, targets to reach net zero, and the type of VCCs you employ.
2. Shift to carbon removal reductions. Users of VCCs should increase the portion of their VCCs that come from carbon removals, rather than from emission reductions, ultimately reaching 100% carbon removals by midcentury to ensure compatibility with the Paris Agreement goals.
3. Shift to long-lived storage. It is critical that investment in scaling and improving the technologies that enable long-lived storage begins now. Creating demand for long-lived VCCs today sends a signal to the market to grow the supply of such VCCs.
4. Support the development of net zero aligned emission mitigation policies.
Also here, you may find our views on emission mitigation plans.
How to Start?
Before any carbon mitigation plans, organizations need to reduce their carbon footprint with improvements in their processes. "REDUCE!" is our first and most important suggestion to our clients.
When every effort is taken towards to carbon footprint reduction, still there will be emissions. To balance the remaining footprint, RESORSUS team is ready.
We will start our work with carbon footprint analysis. The calculated amount of carbon credits are submitted to clients then credits are retired. A report is presented to the client, also a mitigation summary is published on the client's page on ResorsusGreen portal.
What RESORSUS Provides During a Mitigation Plan
A good guidance for clients to Voluntary Carbon Markets through their journeys to Net Zero.
VCCs that are provided from high quality projects all around the world which can be strong statements of the organization's position on the climate.
Transparency during the entire progress.
A dedicated webpage on the ResorsusGreen portal so all the progress can be tracked by the organization and it's stakeholders, which is a unique feature of RESORSUS.
When onboarded with a client, RESORSUS team does not limit themselves with only matters of mitigation with VCCs but advises clients to improve their sustainability policies within RESORSUS' expertise.
Questions Asked
Q: Are VCC Reduction Plans good?
A: GHG reduction centered projects are not always cheap. To sustain those types of initiatives, project managers need incentives in order to survive. VCCs are very simple way of supporting those projects.
Q: Does mitigation plans give the right to pollute?
A: No. VCCs are used by organizations, that are already emitting green house gasses. The concept serves the principle of: "Polluters pay".
Voluntary carbon credit mitigations are not the answer to the climate crisis itself. However they are one of the best tools we have for the time being towards Net-Zero targets. Today, global VCC markets are funding so many projects about action against the climate change.
Before taking any action, please REDUCE!